
Whether you trade in art professionally or manage a collection, we have created two specialised Stock Book products for you. Find out more by clicking on the logos below.
Crafted for individuals typically more in sympathy with the quill pen than the computer |
Designed to record and easily retrieve information and related material regarding any work of fine or applied art in your possession |
However complex an art-related transaction may be, all the associated calculations are performed for you |
Suitable for both single and multi-user installations, enabling your entire organisation to access your data |
Fully fledged multi-currency applications where you can buy in one currency, sell in another and keep your accounts in a third |
Comprehensive user-based security safeguards the confidentiality of your data |
Allows you to enter information in Latin, Greek, Cyrillic and Turkish characters |
Which product is most suited to your needs? Click here to find out